Updates On California Sexual Harassment Laws

New California Law Puts an End to hush money payments in Harassment Settlements
On September 30, 2018, Ca. Governor Brown placed his signatory on a new bill that precludes a provision in harassment/bullying settlements. This new law simply prevents the disclosure of facts pertaining to individual harassment cases. This law is effective on January 1, 2019, and serves as an off-shoot of the current sexual harassment law, that prohibits provisions in settlement agreements, that could lead to further prosecution for sexual misconduct. 
This law applies to all employers located within the state of California. This new law precludes the disclosure of  information regarding:
  • Acts of sexual violence
  • Acts of sexual harassment/bullying/gender
  • Acts of workplace discrimination by sexual preference
  • Retaliation against an employee for reporting sexual harassment


A provision is included with the framework of this new law, that would hold harmless the identity of the individual pursuing legal charges The new law also has a provision that negates public awareness regarding the amount paid to settle the legal case.
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