Sexual Harassment Training Laws in Maine

Maine harassment training established in 1991, ( requiring business owners to provide proper training ) has requirements that are some of the toughest in the nation. Upgraded laws require all employers with 15 or more employees to provide training to managers and employees, somewhat similar to the Calif. harassment law established in 2005.
  • Satisfies Title 26: LABOR AND INDUSTRY, Chapter 7: EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES, Subchapter 4-B: SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICIES of Maine Revised Statutes §807
Under existing Maine employment law, harassment based on sex is a violation of the Maine Human Rights Act. Asking for sexual advances, unwelcome conduct, quid pro quo, retaliation as a result of sexual favors, or advances involving sexual overtures.
There are several Maine employment law requirements that companies should be cognizant of. The main focus is to have the victim of harassment, which involves a sexual nature, to thoroughly understand the process of reporting harassment related issues, by way of their managers or HR. Companies located in Maine are expected to have a “Zero-Tolerance” policy for any type of Sexual Harassment or retaliation issues.
Another important aspect of the harassment laws in Maine is that the company could quite possibly be legally responsible for the negative behavior for the actions of their employees, as well as company managers.
Title 26 M.R.S.A. §807 requires Maine companies with 15 or more employees in the place of business to conduct a Sexual Harassment training and prevention program for all new employees, within one year of employment.T his curriculum must include the role of Maine Human Rights Commission; directions on how to contact the Commission; and the protection against retaliation as provided pursuant to Title 5, section 4553, subsection 10, paragraph D. Each company will, therefore, provide Harassment & prevention training for all managers each year following the initial training. The specific curriculum must emphasize the proper complaint process, role-playing of awkward sexual situations, cyber & internet bullying & various forms of unwelcome conduct.
If your company needs sexual harassment or harassment training in Maine, click here to see Employee Harassment Training’s Maine trainers.
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