
Human resources departments are notorious for forcing new hires to sit through hours of boring, exaggerated and poorly produced training videos. After which, the employee takes a multiple choice exam to receive a certification. There are a number of problems with the aforementioned approach to employee certification. Employees might feel their intelligence is being insulted or they could lose interest and not retain the information they were just taught. In the worst case, poor training materials can trivialize the problem they are trying to solve with an insincere approach. When it comes to sexual harassment and bullying certifications and training, your company needs a professional, well-crafted training course. That's where Employee Harassment Training comes in.

Our harassment training professionals have years of experience helping companies of all sizes stay out of court and protect their organization. Companies will need to have a validated sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation policy reviewed and signed by all employees: managers, supervisors, and employees. We can help you create one too! Consistently follow your policy and immediately address and stop all unlawful harassment, discrimination or bullying. Provide regular compliance training opportunities for all employees on topics such as:

  • Anti Harassment Training
  • Bullying Prevention Training
  • Workplace Diversity Training
  • Communication and other Soft Skills Training
Training for a non-hostile work Environment

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Human resources departments are notorious for forcing new hires to sit through hours of boring, exaggerated and poorly produced training videos

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Address : 7344 Oakmont Dr. Santa Rosa, CA. 95409

Phone : (707) 282-9193

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