Online Sexual Harassment Training Certifcation
- California - AB 1825, AB 2053, and SB 396
- Connecticut - Connecticut Human Rights and Opportunity Act
- Maine - Maine Employment Laws Revised Statute, Title 26, Section 807
- New York - New York Human Rights Law § 296.1, New York City Stop Sexual Harassment Act
Who Needs To Take Sexual Harassment Training? All members of an organization's workforce including:
- Employees
- Managers
- Supervisors
- Contractors/Consultants
- Volunteers
This is what you get with our comprehensive online sexual harassment training programs.
- Online On-demand self-paced Sexual Harassment Training 24x7
- Get your Sexual Harassment certification in about an hour
- Managers and Supervisors 1-hour training
- Employees 30-minute training
- No contracts, pay as you go, cumulative discounts
- Receive your Sexual Harassment certificate immediately upon completion
- Unlimited final exam retakes (guaranteed certificate)
- Backed by over 30 years experience in Sexual Harassment Training and Prevention
- Training that is simple and easy to understand
- Harassment in Spanish versions
- Valid for all 50 states including CA, CT, ME, and NY