Employees have a right for a “zero tolerance environment”
Sexual harassment includes:
- Quid pro quo or “This for that” …. implicitly made a term or condition of employment;
- Increase salary or promotion, based on this agreement;
- Negative behavior interferes with work performance, or simply ability to do one’s job effectively.
Sexual harassment also includes:
- Gender
- Workplace Examples: Biased behavior with gender issues
Sexual harassment must be determined on a individual basis . . . . . .
These forms are often associated with Unwelcome Conduct:
- Pressure to engage in sexual issues
- Frequent body contact
- Off colored jokes or comments
- Stalking or starring
- Body disparaging or shameful comments
- Promoting a employee based on sexual activities or quid pro quo
Impact of Issues:
Harassment is Gender neutral. Employees are frequently scared to contact their manager or HR, becuase of job related fear. Some real life examples of sexual harassment behavior are:
- Mental anguish and emotional distress
- Eroding of self-confidence
- Increase of stress and family involvement
- Absenteeism/excessive drinking or drug use
- Work effectiveness
- Constant moving form job to job, as a result of emotional distress
Employer Responsibility . . . . .
Companies may be liable for compensation or other forms of remuneration to employees
- Owner or manager
- Managers ,and their failure to report issues
- Managers who failed to take immediate corrective action;
- Vendors or independent contractors in the workplace
Steps for corrective action might include:
The following steps will aid in preventing sexual harassment:
Post a written policy defining the companies ” Zero Tolerance “ involving sexual harassment and discrimination issues in the workplace.
- provide seminar training for everyone involved in the workplace
- immediately investigate any report of sexual harassment or other forms of workplace misconduct
- take immediate corrective action, when issues or a complaint is filed. HR should be front and center in this investigative process.
- employee’s should be aware thru policy posters and seminar training the power that Montana Human Rights Bureau and the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, play in the investigative process.
Employee action . . . . .
If you have experienced any type of the harassment issues mentioned above, abrasive sexual comments, or gender-based conduct in your workplace, immediately inform your manager, or HR.. If your complaints are not resolved, you should take the following steps:
- report the sexual harassment to another manager, HR., or directly to your employer
- record precise dates and facts of all sexual harassment related behavior and the names of witnesses
Stalking and Harassment can be the following:
• Making unwanted visits or sending you unwanted messages (over the phone, computer, etc)
• Following you, with repeated regularly
• Constantly trying to publicly humiliate or intimate you
• Behavior abuse continues, even following repeated warning and calls to stop
• Following you, with repeated regularly
• Constantly trying to publicly humiliate or intimate you
• Behavior abuse continues, even following repeated warning and calls to stop
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