Kansas State Sexual Harassment Training Requirements

How can sexual harassment training in the workplace protect my company from liability in Kansas?

Kansas Sexual Harassment Training Requirements: Kansas doesn’t have any specific legal requirement for sexual harassment training for non-goverment workers. However, interns and employees of executive government agencies must take annual sexual harassment training.

The EEOC is the federal governing body that describes and enforces sexual harassment and discrimination laws. Read more at (EEOC Harassment). According to the EEOC sexual harassment and other forms of employment discrimination violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, (ADEA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, (ADA).

The EEOC found that in Kansas in 2018, 39.3% of all workplace discrimination charges were related to sexual harassment. These 262 cases in Kansas made up 1.1% of the total sexual harassment cases cases filed in the US in 2018.
Sexual harassment is not limited to an organizations’ employees or managers. If an organization knew or should have known about sexual harassment by a third party and no actions are taken, they may also be liable for damages. In 2017, the Shawnee Mission School District paid $165,000 to resolve a lawsuit in which a male student allegedly sexually harassed another female student. The school failed to report the incidents to law enforcement after the complaints had been filed, and thus were liable for not taking reasonable preventative action.

There are a number of steps the EEOC recommends that employers take to reduce their chances of liability for sexual harassment claims.

  1. Implementing a strong and well understood sexual harassment policy.
  2. Providing a robust sexual harassment training program for training employees and supervisors.
  3. Establishing an effective complaint and grievance process, within which the employees do not have to fear retaliation.
  4. An employer should act Immediately to investigate any complaint or grievance.
  5. The employer should take immediate steps such as disciplinary action to stop harassment.
  6. Employees should be encouraged to confront the harasser directly and inform them that the conduct is inappropriate as well as informing management and Human Resources

Sexual Harassment Training Tip: Prevention is the BEST tool.

By ensuring that employees understand and are well trained in workplace sexual harassment policies, employers can greatly reduce their chances of being liable for monetary damages in sexual harassment cases.

Our onsite Sexual Harassment training seminars are also available in the following Kansas hotels:

  • Kansas City

    Best Western Plus Seville Plaza Hotel
    4309 Main St.
    Kansas City, KS, 64111

  • Overland Park

    Hampton Inn Overland Park
    10591 Metcalf Rd.
    Overland Park, KS, 66212

  • Wichita

    Hilton Garden Inn Wichita
    2041 N. Bradley Fair Parkway
    Wichita, KS,67206

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