Employee Harassment Training: Train-the-Trainer
Employee Harassment Training’s “Train the Trainer” program empowers you with the tools and facilitation to deliver Sexual Harassment Prevention Seminars to organizations across the country.
Prepare yourself and get certified to provide sexual harassment prevention training, anti-bullying and other hostile work environment related topics via live zoom training.
Register: $975.00 - If you have other team members you may add at $300 each (ask us about discount for multiple attendees)
Our interactive and complete review of the course materials prepares you to skillfully deliver a variety of harassment and discrimination compliance trainings
EHT’s “Train-the-trainer” program is conducted live via zoom
Each training session lasts approximately3-5 hours over a couple of days to cover all of the relevant information. We also offer custom “train-the-trainer” sessions to train on multiple topics during one extended training session or across multiple sessions, depending on your needs.
Our Training Facilitator is
- An qualified Sexual Harassment Trainer with at least 10 years’ experience and whose practice includes investigations into sexual harassment / employment discrimination claims
What is Included: Digital Training Materials
- An electronic copy of all handouts and editable PowerPoint Training Slides.
- Pre and Post Training Assessments
- 2-4 HR live Virtual training
- Train-the-Trainer certificate of completion
- Template for Certificates of completion for training participants
- Printable training material including: presentations, case studies, role plays and interactive exercises.
Typical Trainings Session
- Learn your state and other state and federal sexual harassment/discrimination requirements.
- Engage in interactive training with facilitator and/or other participants.
- Record and Critique delivery techniques.
- How to pitch a proposal
- Training options for customers (live or virtual)
- Typical Agenda
- Modify your sexual harassment training materials.
- Practice case study analysis and discussions.
- Question and Answer Sessions.
(One time payment)