
Sexual Harassment Laws

California Sexual Harassment Training Law AB1825 Includes







California Sexual Harassment Training AB1825 Mandate

Which employers in California are required to provide training?

State law requires California companies with 50 or more employees to provide two hours of interactive harassment prevention training to all supervisors in California — within six months of hire or promotion, and every two years thereafter.

What topics must be included in the training?

High-Quality Sexual Harassment Training mandated by California’s AB 1825 must be conducted via classroom or other effective interactive training to include the following topics:

  • The definition of sexual harassment under the Fair Employment and Housing Act and Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • The statutes and case-law on prohibiting and preventing sexual harassment.
  • The types of conduct that can be sexual harassment.
  • The remedies available for victims of sexual harassment.
  • Strategies to prevent sexual harassment.
  • Supervisor's’ obligation to report harassment.
  • Practical examples of harassment.
  • The limited confidentiality of the complaint process.
  • Resources for victims of sexual harassment, including to whom they should report it.
  • How employers must correct harassing behavior.
  • What to do if the supervisor is personally accused of harassment.
  • The elements of an effective anti-harassment policy and how to use it.
  • “Abusive conduct” under Government Code section 12950.1, subdivision (g)(2).

Interactivity Training Requirements

The regulations impose participants interactions including:

  • Numerous hypothetical scenarios about harassment, each with one or more discussion questions so that supervisors remain measurably engaged in the training.
  • Skill-building activities and or role plays that assess the supervisor’s application and understanding of content learning and application.
  • Questions that assess learning application.

This Sexual Harassment Management Certification Training to include how harassment may cover more than one discriminatory category.

Training should extend beyond “Sexual Harassment” and address other types of unlawful discrimination and bullying prevention training. Thus, Practical examples aimed at instructing supervisors in the prevention of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation” are addressed.

Categories include:

  • Race, Color, National origin, Ancestry.
  • Physical disability; Mental disability; Medical condition.
  • Marital status; Sex; Age and Sexual Orientation.
  • Religious Creed.
  • Workplace Diversity Training Recommended.

Who can provide the sexual harassment training certification?

There are three types of qualified trainers: Human resource professionals or harassment prevention consultants with at least two years of practical experience in:

  • Designing or conducting training on discrimination, retaliation, and sexual harassment prevention.
  • Responding to sexual harassment or other discrimination complaints.
  • Investigating sexual harassment complaints.
  • Advising employers or employees about discrimination, retaliation, and sexual harassment prevention.
  • Attorneys who have been members of the bar of any state for at least two years and whose practice includes employment law under the Fair Employment and Housing Act or Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • Law school, college, or university instructors with a post-graduate degree or California teaching credential and either 20 hours of instruction about employment law under the Fair Employment and Housing Act or Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Our onsite Sexual Harassment training seminars are available in the following cities:

Santa Barbara: Hilton Hotel in Santa Barbara
633 East Cabrillo Boulevard, Santa Barbara, CA 93103, United States

Los Angeles: Hilton in Los Angeles
555 Universal Hollywood Dr, Universal City, CA 91608

San Jose: Holiday Inn Express
1375 W. Fremont St., San Jose

San Francisco: Embassy Suites in San Francisco
1374 N. Market St, San Francisco 94108

Santa Rosa: Holiday Inn Express
1861 College Ave, Santa Rosa

Palm Springs: New Horizons
8745 W. Palm Springs Dr.

Redding: Holiday Inn Express
2240 Hilltop Drive, Redding, CA,

Anaheim: Hilton of Anaheim
2346 Beach front Dr., Anaheim

Sacramento: Embassy Suites of Sacramento
100 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814

San Diego: Embassy Suites of San Diego
601 Pacific Hwy, San Diego, CA 92101 US

Oakland: Airport Hilton
5545 High St., Oakland, Ca.

Chico: Holiday Inn Express
2074 East 20th Street, Chico, CA, 95928,

Oxnard: Oxnard Embassy Suites
1761 Downtown Ave, Oxnard

Ventura: Holiday Inn Express
9265 W. Ventura Ave, Ventura, Ca.

Irvine: Holiday Inn Express
8875 John Wayne Blvd, Irvine

Montebello: Embassy Suites
224 N. Park Ave, Montebello

Long Beach: Holiday Inn Express
2640 N. Lakeport Blvd. Long Beach

Berkeley : Calif. Hotel
2600 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, CA


training anywhere in the US.

Contact Us

Do you have questions about how employee harassment training can help your company?

Fill out the form below, or call us between 8:00am and 5:00pm PT Monday to Friday at (707) 282-9193 — we would be delighted to speak with you.
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Human resources departments are notorious for forcing new hires to sit through hours of boring, exaggerated and poorly produced training videos

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Address : 7344 Oakmont Dr. Santa Rosa, CA. 95409

Phone : (707) 282-9193

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