1-ON-1 Harassment & Disciplinary Diversity Training

One-on-One Harassment & Disciplinary Training

Business owners, Hourly Employees & Managers

Poor management of bullying & sexual harassment in the workplace can make a bad situation much worse. Our job is to create a very healthy, productive, workplace environment for you. When managers have previously attended Anti-Harassment Training and either just didn’t “get it” or think that this type of training is boring, or simply does not apply to them. This is when our trainer will provide them with one-on-one highly specific & personalized Sexual Harassment & Bullying Training. High-level employees who have created problems, are generalized disciplined, but not given additional training to solve specific behavior problems. This is important that you have taken “prompt corrective action” as required by your policy and the employment discrimination statues. Our curriculum is specifically designed with a built-in follow-up long-term monitoring program.
We will absolutely ensure that following our extensive one-on-one-training, your employee completely understands their obligations to act as a role model for your organization, & the value of "Common Sense".

Option #1 . . . .
Recognizing the Need for Positive Discipline Training:

☻ Pre-training phone consultation regarding management expectation of training, drafting /reviewing of proposal and training objectives.

☻ What company does, how you do your business, what are the specific challenges and objectives.

☻ Read "Let’s get Real" & Pre-Test/ Assessment- Review Virtually.
☻ Virtual conference meeting 2- 3 hours.

☻ Real workplace scenarios and case analysis.

☻ Harassment prevention training addressing current issues in the workplace involves critical thinking and analysis of appropriate workplace behaviors.

☻ Post -Test Customized learning assessment/quiz regarding professional boundaries and appropriate behaviors in the workplace for a Supervisor or Manager.

☻ Action Planning and Scheduling Meet times.

☻ Post Training Video Coaching and Consultations for Q&A, reviewing goals and expectations & maintaining professional boundaries.

Option # 2 . . . .

Everything in option #1, plus a 6 week intensive follow-up monitoring program, plus a comprehensive report sent to CEO explaining exact details of training & our recommendations.

Option # 3 . . . .

Everything in option #2, plus a 3 month follow-up monitoring program.

Contact Us

Do you have questions about how employee harassment training can help your company?

Fill out the form below, or call us between 8:00am and 5:00pm PT Monday to Friday at (707) 282-9193 — we would be delighted to speak with you.
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[About Us ]


Human resources departments are notorious for forcing new hires to sit through hours of boring, exaggerated and poorly produced training videos

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latest news in Employment Harassment
Training or get in touch directly via phone
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[ Contact ]

Address : 7344 Oakmont Dr. Santa Rosa, CA. 95409

Phone : (707) 282-9193

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